So, my first ride was an airport run, at 4:00 am. Despite the un-natural feeling of being awake at this hour, I was pretty happy to be working. The guy i picked up was going to Honolulu (lucky bastard!) and everytime i hear somebody talk about Hawaii, I picture the palm trees, the beaches, and the warm breeze........ahhhh. Life is just a little slower and more relaxed there. When you call a cab around here, and the driver says he'll be there in 15 min. that means he'll be there exactly 15 or 16 min. later. In Hawaii, if anybody says 15 min. it's code talk for "I'll be there when I get there, I have to stop and smell the flowers on the way" This way of telling time is totally acceptable there, but here however......time matters, and so do our clients :)

On the way back fron San Francisco airport, I was rewarded for my tortures with a beautiful sunrise. This picture was taken on the flat stretch of the San Mateo bridge heading east on 92.
All the smog from the valley makes for a nice display of pinks and oranges with blue between the clouds. My camera phone messes up colors, so this pic doesn't do it justice.

Here's one I took that same morning coming up and over the Castro Valley grade on 580. Pretty!
Hey Amber...I've seen that sunrise once myself. When I was 19 yrs old, my boyfriend and I was driving across the San Mateo bridge at just the right time. If you think a sunset is beautiful...that sunrise is something I will never forget. I feel ya, hun.
Keep up the good work.
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